I’m Starting My Own Practice
Starting your own practice is an exciting time but not without challenges. Not only do you have decisions to make about location, size, etc., but you are also faced with deciding how you plan to acquire new patients and grow the practice. In today’s market, most dentists decide to enroll directly with insurance plans so they can be “in network” and attract new patients. This is a great way to grow a practice, but it comes at the price of deep discounts required by insurance contracts. The contracting and enrollment process can be tedious and time consuming, so why not let Dental Advocacy Group manage the process for you.
- Need to contract with a broad range of insurance plans and track enrollments.
- Need to make sure insurance reimbursement is appropriate.
- Need to do all this while running a business, growing the practice, hiring staff, and providing great patient care.
Dental Advocacy Group offers programs that can enroll the practice in most major insurance plans under a single contract, single credentialing application, and a single fee schedule that is significantly higher than typical market rates. Our account management team will make sure enrollment materials are received and processed by the insurance companies, while reporting progress back to the practice. We can also help with other contracts that are not part of our solution.
Impacted a start-up practice with 2 Dentists outside of Atlanta GA. Both Dentists worked one day per week at their brand-new location, and 4 days per week as an associate elsewhere. Within 6 months, both dentists were working full time at their own location. Within 1 year, they generated over $1M in billings.
“Our Team at Sweet City Smiles is so happy to be working with Dental Advocacy Group. The fee schedule we have through DAG offers the highest PPO fees of all our in-network contracts, saving us a minimum of $122,000 per year in write offs and lost revenue. DAG also has top quality Account Managers who are always able and willing to lend a helping hand when navigating insurance confusion. Our Account Manager Diane is such a fantastic resource and a joy to work with. Thank you for everything Dental Advocacy Group!”
“I have been working with Dental Advocacy Group since 2019, and as a start up practice being able to get a lot of insurances covered under one good fee schedule has been so important for me. I am also so grateful for the credentialing process being handled completely by their team to relieve the stress from me as well as saving me so much time. Almost every new patient that calls our office, I am happy to tell them “Yes, we are in network!” and this allows me to provide great care to my community. It’s been a pleasure working with the team at DAG and I highly recommend them!”